Ryuji Nakamura and Associates





This is the chair like an empty shell of creatures because the inside is hollow. It is derived from the chair Hechima I created in 2005. It has the shape that only the outline from the shape of Hechima is extracted. Although the outline is the three-dimensional curved surface, it is made in the two-dimensional way of repeating corrugated sheets.

Title  Nukegara
Completion  November 2006
Use  Chair
Site  PRISMIC GALLERY, 5F Akimotominamiaoyama-building, 4-1-9, Minamiaoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Exhibition title  Exhibition Ryuji Nakamura
Period  1 - 25 December 2006
Size  W900 D900 H750 mm
Material  Paper
Design  Ryuji Nakamura and Associates
Photography  Ryuji Nakamura




名称 ぬけがら
完成 2006年11月
用途 椅子
場所 東京都港区南青山4-1-9 秋元南青山ビル5F プリズミックギャラリー
展覧会名 中村竜治展
期間 2006年12月1〜25日
寸法 W900 D900 H750 mm
素材 紙
設計 中村竜治建築設計事務所
撮影 中村竜治

Ryuji Nakamura and Associates